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About This Sound Healing Recording
This recording is a compilation of live and studio recorded tracks that highlight the best of Awakening Sound and Antonio Aversano. You could consider this recording a sound healing 'wave' as it begins with the very spacious healing sounds of the Native American inspired flute and then grows with tracks that grow in energy with a peak of a live drumming track with Native flute and Didgeridoo and then returns to stillness with a spacious steel tongue drum healing session and native flute recording in the jungle. This recording is also the debut of a Native American flute cover song of the world famous 'Dust In The Wind' which we believe is a beautiful song and melody that highly compliments the beautiful mystical energy of the Native flute. Enjoy!
The Best of Awakening Sound Volume 1
Track 1: "Awakening Flute"
Track 2: "Desert Didge Duo"
Track 3: "Shaking Wings"
Track 4: "It's About Time!"
Track 5: "The Journey Home"
Track 6: "Star Light Healing"
Track 7: "Rest Full Night"
Bonus: "Dust In The Wind" Instrumental
Track 1: "Awakening Flute"
Track 2: "Desert Didge Duo"
Track 3: "Shaking Wings"
Track 4: "It's About Time!"
Track 5: "The Journey Home"
Track 6: "Star Light Healing"
Track 7: "Rest Full Night"
Bonus: "Dust In The Wind" Instrumental
Sample of Track #5 for your listening pleasure!
I would love to hear what you thought of this recording. Learning is a lifelong journey. All feedback is welcome!